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Production Company Video & Animation Stockholm Sweden
Film production company Stockholm


DBY has over 15 years of experience in large and small film projects. We have all competences in-house, which makes it easy for us to adapt our productions according to budget, deadline and the customer's needs.


We thrive in close collaborations where our goal is to be the marketing manager's right hand and problem solver when it comes to motion. We work purpose-driven and strategically. By that we mean that we concretize objectives and develop strategies to ensure that our productions help our customers achieve their goals. We are happy to work with you all the way from idea to finished production.

We also have have a great collaboration with DESIGNRUSH.


Since we were founded, we have helped over 200 companies and organizations to communicate with video & moving content and we are convinced that we can help many more.

Filmproduktion och animation


In order to continue to deliver at the highest level, we also have to feel good.

That is why we have tried to create the world's best workplace.

We strive to improve the world we live in partly for ourselves but also, as far as we can, for others. Therefore, we have drawn up a number of guidelines.

  • Everyone at DBY has the same salary

  • Overtime must always be minimized

  • Wellness is maximized

  • 400 working hours per year are donated to charity
    Read more about our collaborations here: Social Responsibility

  • DBY always works to minimize climate impact

    • Travel, transport and delivery must be minimized.

    • Alternatives with the smallest possible fossil footprint must always be prioritized.

  • All DBY's productions aim to reflect the society we live in
    and want to live in when it comes to diversity, equality and gender equality.


All of the above also serve as guidelines for DBY when it comes to choosing subcontractors, equipment and other services that our productions require.


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